Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Your Invitation is in the Mail

Picture a big, old Victorian on a double lot, on the edge of the quaint shopping district in your town. Mary's at the door, peeping through the etched glass, and will throw open the door as you come up the walk. Devon is still fiddling with the tiered dessert display, because those are HER pastries on there, you know? I'm busy rearranging the assorted china cups (some even with mismatched saucers) and mugs, then flit over to the teas, because everything has to be JUST SO for our grand opening.

It's a come as you are kind of place. For those dreaming of a grand, almost formal tea, I'll be serving with the silver service in the grand dining room. (Pinkies out, optional, but I will have sugar cubes and those precious little tongs!) For those wishing for a completely casual experience, Mary will be on hand in the great room. (There are toys for your children in there too.) For anyone in between, Devon will be pouring on the veranda, weather permitting. (Otherwise, we'll direct you to the sun room in the back.) Of course, we'll really all be flitting from room to room, because we're excited and want to meet you all, so have a cup with each of us! Please take your pets to the area in the back, where we have arranged for their own party. (Dogs on the left, cats on the right, and turtles and other species to the far right.)

Okay, your pal's info isn't really below, but it will be sent out later today. Please keep the exceptionally social, friendly feel of this swap alive and contact your pal right away. Don't forget to check your spam folder before you email your hostess, feeling left out.

Last, but not least, we have divided up into groups, but not by "formality" as I described above. Please use your "personal" host as your first point of contact if there's a concern, once you know which of us it is. I'm always available to all of you - heck we all are - but only your personal host will have the information about your match.

Now, let's sip, chat and knit!


Unknown said...

YAY! What a wonderful swap! thank you guys SO MUCH!!! :)

Judy B said...

the tea is ready just waiting for my guest to arrive,I am so excited I sure hope she likes me :)this is going to be so much fun

ravelling said...

Kettle's on !

kimmieknits said...

I cannot wait to meet my new friend. I am having tea right now waiting to find out who I get to spoil with goodies..

jopal said...

Can't wait to know who I get to have over for tea! I have some special goodies for her!

bj the knit newbie said...

Tea party at my place!! I'm on my 3rd cup already!

Nancy @ the Jersey Shore said...

oh! yay! it's time...can't wait!

Melissa said...

That was a nice little day dream. Thanks! I'm looking forward to this swap!

Anonymous said...

What a pleasant atmosphere! And I love the invitation too! :-)

Thank you for the hard and good work you are doing for making this Tea party fun! :-)

And, I am sipping right now... ;-)

Knittin' Diva said...

Kettle is on, and scones are in the oven ;-) Can't wait to find out who my partner is....I'm thrilled I found this swap.

Now, back to my lavendar earl grey - yummy! Care to join me?

Sharon said...

I just passed the little tea shop in Devon, PA just this past weekend and need to plan the three generation tea. Thanks for the reminder!

As Chn already knows, I can't wait to get started for this.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm so delighted to begin! Thanks to all for this much fun.

Jen C said...

Ohh boy, I didn't realize how much stuff for tea'ing(it's a word now) was out there. Great websites and so many teas. My Swappee is very specific about her tastes, so wont be to difficult, but I will probably throw a surprise or two in just to keep it interesting...